Both client and server run with Express. You can add any express plugin to the server. The configuration file is in the server/index file. Currently we've added compression and cookies middleware to the express that you can remove them if you like.
This package comes with 3 main commands:
There is a .env.example file in the root directory. Rename it to .env and define your environment variables there. Then in the code you can use those variables, for example
We where using localStorage for storing access tokens received from the API. But as you know, localStorage is a browser API and doesn't work in the server. So we added support for reading and writing cookies. For writing cookies we added an express middleware. Writing cookies is as follow:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
export default class MyPage extends Component {
static getInitialProps({req}) {
req.universalCookies.set("token", token);
return {}
render() {
Reading cookies is as simple as writing them
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import cookies from 'next-cookies'
export default class SomePage extends Component {
static getInitialProps(ctx) {
const {token} = cookies(ctx)
return {token}
render() {
const {token} = this.props
We've added Webpack Bundle Analyzer in the webpack config in next.config.js. For analyzing server bundle add BUNDLE_ANALYZE=server, for client add BUNDLE_ANALYZE=client and for analyzing both, add BUNDLE_ANALYZE=both before yarn dev or yarn build commands. You can change location of report files in next config file.