Babel Plugin Module Resolver is added and configured so that you can import any file relative to the root of the project. for example instead of
import Button from '../../components/Button'
you can do this
import Button from 'components/Button'
Note: components directory is in the root of the project.
Flow type checker is added and configured with eslint. So if you like, you can use it. If you don't like flow, you can remove it from the package.json file.
"lint-staged": {
React Storybook is a UI development and testing environment that you can develop and test your components in isolation with it. All stories live in the story directory. For more information read the documentation.
We've configured redux-logger in dev mode so you can see actions and state changes made by those actions in the browser console.
Threre's also Redux Devtools in development mode.
We use Axios as our HTTP client. Feel free to remove it if you don't like it.